Solar Panel Cleaning Brisbane

Dirt, dust, grime, salt, and bird droppings can all prevent sunlight from entering the cells in your solar panels. This grime can reduce each cell’s ability to perform efficiently.

Deep Blue Solar’s work is fully insured and our electrical team is certified to work at heights. Call us today to see how we can clean your solar panels, check for technical issues, and make onsite repairs.

solar with batteries

Are Your Solar Panels Generating Maximum Power?

Being a solar owner means you have taken a positive step towards reducing your electricity costs. To maximise your investment your solar system will need a regular clean and servicing.

Underperforming solar cells mean you are creating LESS energy and paying MORE on your power bills.

Maintaining a regular cleaning and inspection regime will not only help you save money on your power bill, but it ensures the safety and performance of your solar installation.

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solar panel system repairs

Solar Panels Cleaning and Repair

Deep Blue Solar offers:

Get Rid of Pigeons Under Solar Panels

Roosting pigeons create a mucky mess, particularly when they find a sheltered spot underneath solar panels.

Deep Blue’s thermal imaging equipment can help us find pigeons and other pests nesting under your solar panels. Once we identify their hiding spot, we work with pest controllers to remove them from your roof. We then sanitise the solar panels and roof area.

To deter pigeons from nesting we offer optional bird proofing mesh to all solar panel installations. The mesh creates a barrier preventing under the solar panels. The netting is securely fastened to prevent birds from getting through.

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solar panel cleaning prices brisbane

What Our Customers Say

Need Solar Panel Bird Protection?

Frequently Asked Questions

Deep Blue Solar’s regular thermal imaging inspections are great for preventive maintenance and can minimise the risk of costly repairs or system downtime. By identifying and addressing issues early on, our electricians can help optimise the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your solar panels.

We use thermal cameras to detect and repair solar panel hot spots and overheating components within a solar panel system. Overheating can indicate electrical faults, inadequate ventilation, or issues with component quality.

Our electricians also fix hot joints, high resistance terminations, and phase imbalances within the solar system and the connection to the grid.

Overheating can have detrimental effects on the performance and longevity of solar panels. It can reduce the efficiency of electricity generation and potentially damage the components.

To mitigate the risk of overheating, proper installation, regular maintenance, and ensuring optimal operating conditions are crucial. This includes selecting an appropriate location with good ventilation, keeping the panels clean, and monitoring their performance to detect any abnormalities early on.

Overheating can have detrimental effects on the performance and longevity of solar panels. It can reduce the efficiency of electricity generation and potentially damage the components.

To mitigate the risk of overheating, proper installation, regular maintenance, and ensuring optimal operating conditions are crucial. This includes selecting an appropriate location with good ventilation, keeping the panels clean, and monitoring their performance to detect any abnormalities early on.

Tree shading or soiling on solar panels can cause localised overheating. When a portion of the panel is shaded or covered with dirt, it disrupts the even distribution of sunlight across the panel’s surface. The shaded or soiled area may absorb less sunlight, resulting in an imbalance that can lead to overheating in the remaining areas.

Faulty solar components such as malfunctioning diodes, damaged cells, or faulty wiring can also cause localised overheating. These faults can impede the flow of electricity, leading to excessive heat generation.

Do Your Solar Panels Need Cleaning?

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solar power installation companies

How Does Deep Blue Check My Solar Panels are Working Properly?

To check if your solar panels are working properly, Deep Blue Solar’s electrical team follows these steps:

Solar Panel Visual inspection

We start with a visual examination of the solar panels and we look for any obvious signs of physical damage, such as cracks, loose connections, or dislodged panels. Our electricians also check if the panels are clean and free from debris or shading.

Monitor the Solar Inverter

The inverter is an essential component of a solar system that converts the DC electricity produced by the panels into usable AC electricity. As part of a regular services we check the inverter’s display or indicator lights to ensure it is functioning correctly. If there are error messages or no power output, there may be an issue.

Monitoring Solar Panel Output

Many solar systems come with monitoring tools that display real-time or historical energy generation. Deep Blue Solar will check if the power production levels align with manufacturer’s advised outputs. While on site we also factor in the panel capacity and weather conditions.

Check Your Power Bills

Deep Blue Solar can help you compare your power bills before and after installing solar panels. A significant reduction in electricity bills indicates that your solar panels are effectively generating electricity and offsetting your energy consumption.